Code of Conduct Translation & Approval Process
Last updated: February 26, 2021. View change history.
The PostgreSQL Code of Conduct Committee
manages the process for approving translations of the Code of Conduct
from English into other languages, and for updating the translations when the
policy is revised.
The proposed translation should be reviewed by at least one other fluent
speaker of the language prior to submitting it to the Committee.
The proposed translation is sent to the Committee
([email protected]) as follows:
- The document should be submitted as both .txt and .pdf
- The email should include the name(s) of the initial translator(s)
- The email should include the name(s) of the reviewer(s)
The Committee will review the information, and contact the submitter for any
additional information needed.
Once the Committee has completed its review, the translation is submitted
for discussion to the ~general list, with a one week deadline for comments.
Any comments or suggestions for revisions are sent to the submitter for
consideration. If an updated version is needed, the updated version would be
posted to the pgsql-general
mailing list for a one week comment period.
If there are no comments or revisions to make, the translation is sent to
pgsql-www to be
added to the website.
Once the new translation is posted, the Committee posts a message to the
PostgreSQL news announcements.
The Committee maintains a list of all current translations, and will work
with the original translators to update the policy as needed. If the
original translator is unavailable to do the update, the Committee will
post for a volunteer to do so.
Out-of-date policies will be marked as such on the website while the
updates are pending.